Thursday, 24 March 2011

Shot script

Once we had all decide on which part of the film we were going to create, we started to make our shot scripts. My first shot is an extra long shot which will last around 25 seconds and feature the lead character walking the length of the landscape within the shot. The following shot is a backwards tracking, long shot of the same character. These two shots should be the same as Chloe and Karlene’s but with some aspect slightly changed so it is clear the shots are on different days. My next shot differs from the others as there is no coin and the character is visibly looking for one. The next series of shots are also the same as Chloe and Karlene’s and begin with the clown moving in the box, then a reaction shot of the main character, following with a shot of him receiving the ticket, all of these will be medium shots. After this, there will be a sequence of shots between the clown and the main character showing his reactions to what is happening. My section will then end on a long shot of the character checking the wire and realising it is not plugged in then running back to the box where the clown has disappeared.

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