The film “Spin” directed by Jamin Winans shows a DJ in a crowded area, controlling the actions around him. It seems as though he is a God-like figure. The intention of the director was to show that every decision that people make in life connect with other decisions and events that are made by other people. As the film has been distributed through the media of the internet on websites such as and has been shown at numerous film festivals. These methods of distribution allow the film to reach a wide range of people, especially the implied target audience of the film industry. The film is a showcase film, meaning that everyone involved in making the film, from the actors to the production team, can display their talents. The key character in the film is the male who plays the DJ. His character is the one who holds all the power and the focus on the film is directly on him. The location of the city block is key to the storyline as it is a natural setting for strangers to come into contact with each other in the way that they do in the narrative. The soundtrack is very effective in the film as the narrative centres around the DJ and the use of his music and equipment to affect the actions around him. I found the film very enjoyable and the narrative was easy to understand. As there is no dialogue in the piece the issue of language is not a problem regarding certification. Neither is the use of sex, drugs or extreme violence. The scene in which someone is hit by a car would mean the potential certificate for the film would not be more than a 12.
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