To try and find the perfect image for my film poster I asked a member of the group to dress up in clown costume and I took many pictures from numerous angles. This allowed me to sit down and evaluate which picture would be best for my poster. I chose an image with a side view of the clowns face from the right. I cropped the image so only the side of the face, not the whole head was visible. I then used the editing program "Photoshop" to create a black background and adjust the colour of the eyes, teeth and skin. Once I had finished editing the picture I layered the text over the top and positioned it such a way that it was both easily visible and striking.
This is a copy of my film poster. I have chosen to make the clown my dominant image as it is a key feature throughout the film. The side view of just the clowns head allows the audience to make their own assumptions about the nature of the clown itself. I have tried to keep with traditional conventions of a film poster with a striking title and catchy tag line that both stand out against the background. My billing block at the bottom of the poster mentions everyone who was involved in the film and follows the typical structure of one that would be shown on a real film poster. I have added the line at the bottom “Coming to cinemas soon” to make it clear that my poster is to advertise the cinema release, whereas the others in my group made posters for the release onto DVD, online and in film festivals.
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