As a group we have decided to focus on creating a film based on the morality tale “The Seven Deadly Sins”. To coincide with the number of sins, we have chosen to make our film 7 minutes long and perhaps include separate chapters for each one of the sins. We have considered a number of different ways in which to distinguish between the chapters. Our ideas include using graphics in between the individual sections or changing the form of each of the chapters for example using animation, chat show and documentary form. Another concept we have thought about is how to keep continuity throughout the chapters, and as a group we have discussed many ideas on how to do this. Using the same character throughout the short film would link all of the chapters together as it would be clear they apply to the same person. By using characters that appear in chronological age in the film, the idea of continuity through the film is parallel to the continuity of life. Another way to create continuity is through the soundtrack. By using the same music all the way through or sound bridges over the chapters, the separate parts of the film join together. On the hand, we have considered deliberately keeping all of the chapters separate, essentially creating seven unique stories, getting rid of the continuity aspect. This idea however will make it difficult to show the target audience that each part of the film is connected to one main idea, being the seven deadly sins.
To decide our target audience, we have to consider the main representations in the media. These are;
· Gender
· Age
· Race
· Class
· Sexuality
· Nationality
By deciding the specifics in each of these areas, we can determine a target audience and create our film accordingly. The seven deadly sins in themselves are seen as predominantly male sins, and the majority are classed as teenage traits. The method of distribution also affects the target audience. As our film would be distributed on the internet there are two main things we have to bear in mind. As the main audience that has access to the internet is teenagers and young adults that’s primarily who our film should be aimed at. Also we have to be careful what shot sizes we use in the film. As the film would only be seen on a small screen, close ups and medium shots would be best, if not, the detail within the shots would get lost.
The Seven Deadly Sins, also known as the Cardinal Sins are a set of vices that have been used since early Christian times to educate people on humanity’s sins. The recognised list of the seven deadly sins consists of Lust, Greed, Gluttony, Sloth, Wrath, Envy and Pride. There are a great number of different media texts that have been influenced by the seven deadly sins and these reach over many genres, from the literary works of Geoffrey Chaucer to the songs of heavy metal band Bullet for my Valentine. Another example of media influenced by the sins is the film Se7en (Seven), directed by David Fincher, and starring Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman. Se7en is a serial killer thriller in which the murder uses each one of the sins to punish his victims. The painting by Hieronymus Bosch, “The Seven Deadly Sins and the Four Last Things” was painted in 1485, showing that the sins had relevance and importance over 5 centuries ago.

Heironymus Bosch, "The Seven Deadly Sins and the Four Last Things" 1485
The religious definition of sin is the act of violating a moral rule. In some religion, sin can not only refer to physical actions taken, but also to thoughts, motivations and feelings. Religion promotes the idea that any sin is punishable by other people, God in life or afterlife, or the universe in general. The main contemporary attitude towards the seven deadly sins is that they are bad things, to either punish or mistakes to learn on. This change in attitude from religion may be explained by the impact of the media.
As a group, we have not decided what the main theme of or film will be but we have come up with a number of ideas. Our first was to make a film showing that the seven deadly sins were still relevant today in modern society, either as good things that provide motivation, or undesirable traits/ unavoidable biological instincts. Another idea we are considering is to make the audience question the difference between religion and science, through the sins themselves and the effects they have.